Friday, May 4, 2012


I think we often take for granted the things we have in life, and often we never take time to enjoy the small things.  Really it's the small simple joys in life that we live for and we don't realize that until we look back at the memories we have.
I love hands, a persons hands say so much about them.  They are just one of the many ways we touch this world.
What our hands do for us:
 They are the way we get to drink, re-hydrate, and refuel. 
 They are the way we get to play games or many other hobbies one has.
 We cloth them to protect them from blisters, the cold, dirt, and germs;
 We wouldn't protect them if they weren't important.
They show our profession,
 When riding they are one of the ways to give direction and to turn.
 They are the way we connect with nature,
and how we feel.
They are how we learn,
and how we play.
They show our age; young, old and everywhere in between.
They are how many pray,

They are how we work,
how we care,
and how we communicate without words.
We use them to hold the ones we love close,
 to celebrate,

and to say "I do."
They also show off our dreams, past, present, and future.

Next time that you find life slipping by or you want to be thankful for something think of all that you do with your hands.  Think of the people who don't have hands and how different it is for them to open something, cook, or do many other things we don't take time to think about.

I love how much we depend on our hands, and who much they tell about a person, this won't be the last of photos about how great the small things we over look are on here :)

1 comment:

  1. I love hands. I take many hand photos these days. I love the ones you've collected and shared here.
